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Our current rates on a variety of products.

Consumer Deposit Rates

Rates accurate as of 03.24.2025

Green Plus Checking
Earn interest on the entire balance
Tiers Base APY 1
All Balances 0.05%
55+ Checking
Earn interest on the entire balance
Tiers Base APY 1
All Balances 0.05%
Preferred Plus Checking
Tiers Base APY 1
$0.00-$4,999.99 0.05%
$5,000.00 - $24,999.99 0.08%
$25,000.00 - $99,999.99 0.12%
$100,000.00 and up 0.15%
Money Market
Tiers Base APY 1 Platinum APY 1,2 Diamond APY 1,2
$0.00-$9,999.99 0.02% 0.17% 0.22%
$10,000.00-$49,999.99 0.05% 0.20% 0.25%
$50,000.00-$249,999.99 0.08% 0.23% 0.28%
$250,000.00-$499,999.99 0.10% 0.25% 0.30%
> $500,000.00 0.12% 0.27% 0.32%
High Yield Money Market
Tiers Base APY 1 Platinum APY 1,2 Diamond APY 1,2
$25,000.00 - $49,999.99 2.22% 2.37% 2.42%
$50,000.00 - $149,999.99 2.48% 2.63% 2.68%
$150,000.00 - $249,999.99 2.63% 2.78% 2.83%
$250,000.00 - $999,999.99 2.84% 2.99% 3.04%
$1,000,000 + 3.24% 3.39% 3.44%
Personal Savings
Earn interest on the entire balance
Tiers Base APY 1 Gold APY 1,2 Platinum APY 1,2 Diamond APY 1,2
All Balances 0.01% 0.11% 0.16% 0.21%
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Earn interest on the entire balance
Tiers Base APY 1
All Balances 0.50%
Certificate of Deposits (CDs)3
$500 to Open
Term Base APY 1 Platinum APY 1,2 Diamond APY 1,2
3 Months 0.10% 0.25% 0.30%
6 Months 2.13% 2.28% 2.33%
9 Months 1.35% 1.50% 1.55%
12 Months 3.56% 3.71% 3.76%
18 Months 1.84% 1.99% 2.04%
24 Months 2.11% 2.26% 2.31%
36 Months 1.17% 1.32% 1.37%
48 Months 1.03% 1.18% 1.23%
60 Months 1.27% 1.42% 1.47%

1 Annual Percentage Yield (APY) subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings.
2 See Relationship Package Qualifications.
3 Early withdrawal penalty may be imposed.

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