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Monday, December 20, 2021

Are You Expecting?

Are you expecting? Congratulations! Whether through birth or adoption, having a baby requires careful planning and additional expenses. But no worries, we are here to help plan and guide you during this major life change!

Plan and Ask Questions

Although the United States does not offer universal paid parental leave, many employers provide maternity, paternity, paid time off, vacation, or other leave. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) also allows eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave after the baby's birth. Talk with your boss and HR department to discuss your parental leave options. 

Find out what your health insurance covers. Are your doctors, other prenatal professionals, and birthing methods covered under your insurance plan? 


It is important to explore the expenses of having a baby. Take a look at your budget and see what you can afford. Find out what is essential and what you can buy new, second-hand, or borrow. Expenses can be anything such as safety, special care requirements, formula, diapers, and clothes. 
Start setting aside the amount you plan to spend on your child each month in a separate account. This way, you can make the financial shift before your child arrives, and you have some extra money put away for unexpected (or expected) expenses.

We offer a lineup of innovative products built to increase your savings. Whether a savings account or investment, these options help you plan for the future. More information:

Using the Banzai Coach session, discover how much you'll need to add to your monthly budget when the baby comes along and see your one-time expenses based on your preferences. To start this Coach session, select "Get Started." A feed will appear; follow along and answer questions as you're prompted.


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