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American Bank & Trust

Business Savings

Money that earns, but is there when you need it.

Tools That Let You Do Your Job

The cash management and digital banking tools you need. Flexibility. Financial power.



Business Savings

Business Savings

The best in everyday business banking.

It’s easy to open and easy to use.

  • eStatements are free, $5.00 monthly fee for paper statements
  • 0.01% APY* on entire balance
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 03.24.2025 and subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings.
  • $2.50 monthly maintenance fee if the average daily balance falls below $25
  • The average daily balance is calculated by adding the principal in the account for each day of the period and dividing that figure by the number of days in the period.

Earn interest on your entire balance.

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Money Market

Money Market

Earn more on your day-to-day deposits.

Tiered interest and check writing capabilities

  • eStatements are free, $5.00 monthly fee for paper statements
  • $10 monthly maintenance fee for balances under $1,000
  • Monthly service charge waived for non-profits

Earn interest on your entire balance.

Tier 1 - $0.00-$9,999.99 .......................... 0.02% APY1
Tier 2 - $10,000.00-$49,999.99. ............ 0.05% APY1
Tier 3 - $50,000.00-$249,999.99. .......... 0.08% APY1
Tier 4 - $250,000.00-$499,999.99 ........ 0.10% APY1
Tier 5 - $500,000.00 and above .............. 0.12% APY1


1Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 03.24.2025, and subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings.

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High Yield Money Market

High Yield Money Market

Premium interest rates with higher balances.

Earn higher rates with higher balances


  • Earn interest on balances over $25,000
  • eStatements are free. $5 monthly fee for paper statements
  • $10 monthly maintenance fee for balances under $1,000

Tier 1 - $0.00-$24,999.99 .......................... 0.00% APY1
Tier 2 - $25,000.00-$49,999.99  .............. 2.22% APY1
Tier 3 - $50,000.00-$149,999.99  ............ 2.48% APY1
Tier 4 - $150,000.00-$249,999.99  ......... 2.63% APY1
Tier 5 - $250,000.00-$999,999.99 .......... 2.84% APY1
Tier 6 - $1,000,000 +  .................................. 3.24% APY1
Earn interest on entire balance

1Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 03.24.2025, and subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings.

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Earn more on deposits you need daily access to.

Guaranteed rates. Insured safety.

  • Terms from 3 months to 5 years
  • Just $500 to open

No monthly maintenance fees.

3 Months - 0.10% APY1
6 Months - 2.13% APY1
9 Months - 1.35% APY1
12 Months - 3.56% APY1
18 Months - 1.84% APY1
24 Months - 2.11% APY1
36 Months - 1.17% APY1
48 Months - 1.03% APY1
60 Months - 1.27% APY1

1Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 03.24.2025, and subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings.
Withdrawals from a Certificate of Deposit prior to maturity or prior to any notice period may be restricted and may be subject to penalty.

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Want to earn interest on your company checking account?